Steps to teleconsulting with a patient as a doctor


1. After a patient books an appointment, the doctor gets an email notification about the appointment. Our WhatsApp Support team also notifies the doctor about the appointment.
2. The doctor creates a google meet link (which currently serves as an encounter room) and shares it with the patient through VirtualCare (WhatsApp Support).
3. At the appointment time, both patient and doctor meet in the encounter room (via google meet link), doctor approves the patient to join the room.
4. Docto.r Diagnoses the patient using by asking questions and test results provided by the patient (if any).
5. Docto.r takes the most appropriate step to recommend a test for a patient, prepare a prescription or plan with the management to refer the patient in cases that can’t be handled virtually.
6. After consultation, the Doctor updates the patient’s medical record and prescription via the doctor’s Dashboard on our Platform.
7. Doctor gets paid on the payout date.


For Further inquiries, contact us on Whatsaap.